During these difficult times of lockdown during COVID-19, St Matthew's, like many other organisations, has seen a reduction in income.
Whilst we are now meeting in church, it is with limited numbers with some people not yet able to return to service in person. Our Saturday Cafe and other fundraising activities are still not up and running. But our bills and parish share still need to be fulfilled...
if you are able to give to help us continue our mission at this difficult time, we would deeply appreciate it. There is a PayPal button below.
If you do not have a PayPal account, please contact us at stmatthewschurchedgeley@gmail.com and we will send details of how you can donate via cheque.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
We are working hard to build relationships with our community by working with children and young people in school and during the holidays, setting up groups for local people and providing our community with a place to meet.
If you would like to help us continue this exciting work, you can donate through PayPal.
Thank you for your support.
You can also use PayPal to donate and adopt a chair. Please use the reference ADOPT and let us know that you are taking part (see the Adopt-a-Chair page).