We believe God hears and answers prayer so we take seriously His invitation to lay before Him our concerns. Because we believe prayer makes a difference, fourteen people have committed themselves to pray for you or your loved ones at times of crisis or worry – this is our Prayer Chain.
You do not need to be a member of the church to request prayer.
If you or someone you know needs prayer for specific problems or issues, you can activate the Prayer Chain by sending us an email. The members of the Prayer Chain will hold your situation in their prayers for one month.
All prayers, names and situations are held in confidence.
We are always grateful to hear what happens to those we pray for so, if you would like to update us, please send another email. If you are in church and would like to speak to someone about the Prayer Chain, please see Reverend Julie Johnson or Di Bebb (Prayer Ministry Leader).
If your situation still needs prayer, we will add you to our prayer calendar or continue to pray privately. The prayer calendar is available in church.